About Us
Landmark Medical Centre (LMC), commenced operations in 2005, with Dr Robert Luk Tai Kong as Medical Director and Mdm Nellie Ong Ah Huay in charge of business operations, as Chairperson.
ESTABLISHED as Maternity Home by Dr Robert Luk Tai Kong
Issued Private Hospital Status by Ministry of Health Malaysia & shift to present premises
Establishment Of Independent Ethics Committee

LMC is located at Level 33B (35th floor) of Menara Landmark Building, in Johor Bahru, offering both outpatient and inpatient healthcare services.
Our Vision
To be the industry leader in quality medical care provision, in Malaysia, and the region. Our focus will be on the following 3 areas :
- Cancer Immunotherapy and Clinical Research
- Women’s and Children’s Health.
- Anti-aging and Regenerative Medicine

Our Mission

Satisfaction For All – Patients & Staff

Excellence in quality healthcare provision


Value-added Service

What We Do
Medical Services We Provide
Pain relief
Antenatal & Post Natal Care
Antenatal Classes
Inpatient & Outpatient Surgery
General Medical
Examination & Investigations
Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS)
Laparoscopic/Keyhole Surgery

(Natural Birth, Labour Epidural and C-Section)
General Paediatric
Examination & Vaccinations
Clinical Research
Vocational Medical
Screening, Blood Tests & Imaging
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
Women's Health Services
Cancer Treatment & Care
Cleft Lip & Palate Repair
Fully sponsored, under collaboration with SmileTrain
Landmark Medical Centre (LMC) began operations in 2005. As we approach 15 years of existence, LMC is committed to enhance our healthcare provision to the local populace and the region at large.
LMC will be embarking on restructuring our medical centre into a dedicated, patient-centred, ‘boutique’ healthcare facility, where our uncompromising focus will be on patient well-being and satisfaction. It is our desire that patients will feel right at home, whilst seeking medical treatment at LMC, even during their most ill of days.
In this era where medical technology is rapidly advancing, LMC aspires to be right in the mix, to ensure our patients receive access to the latest medical therapies and interventions. To this end, LMC has established an Independent Ethics Committee (IEC), sanctioned by the National Committee for Clinical Research (NCRR), to encourage and facilitate clinical trials within our Hospital facility.
In the last year, we have established an outpatient plastic surgery department and will be looking to continue to expand our medical services in the near future. We have also registered 2 phase 1 clinical trials on cellular therapy, with the National Malaysian Research Registry (NMRR) and are currently awaiting ethics approval.
I believe exciting times are on our horizon and the most important pieces of any organisation are its people. I will like to take this opportunity to thank all staff who make the daily functions of our healthcare facility possible. As we move forward, I look forward to seeing our organisation grow in tandem, as we strive to place LMC at the forefront of Medical Healthcare provision in Malaysia.
LMC Board
Our Hospital Directors

Mdm Nellie Ong Ah Huay
Person In-Charge & Hospital Director

Dr Louisa Luk Tien Sze
Hospital Director

Dr Lucas Luk Tien Wee
Hospital Licensee & Medical Director Consultant OBGYN

Dr Lincoln Luk Tien Wen
Hospital Director